Do you feel like you’d benefit from a more in-depth analysis of time spent at different levels of the project? Or perhaps you need customizable reports that will extract and highlight key information? Worklogs - Time Tracking and Time Reports, with support for Jira Advanced Roadmaps, can do exactly that. You can create up to 10 levels of hierarchy and prepare customized reports that present data grouped by filters of your choice. You can apply from one up to three hierarchy levels filters in your Worklogs report and create numerous combinations that offer detailed insights.
The first step in using Advanced Roadmaps in Worklogs is to ensure you’ve created Jira Issue Types that are higher in the hierarchy than the standard Epic. If you need more help with creating hierarchy levels in Jira, here’s a detailed guide on the topic.
You can use default Jira names (like in the picture below) or create your own ones - the names and the number of levels are up to the Admin user of the Jira instance.
Jira Settings - Issue Type hierarchy with default level names
Hierarchy levels in Worklogs correspond with hierarchy levels in Jira Advanced Roadmaps. So, for example, hierarchy level 2 in the app will include all tickets that fall within number 2 in the Jira issue type hierarchy.
On the left: the Worklogs app | On the right: view from a Jira page
Whenever you display a particular hierarchy in the Worklogs app, it will always show the time logged into issues from this hierarchy level as well as issues from levels lower than this level.
For example, displaying hierarchy level 2 (“Initiative” in our example) will result in a Worklogs report showing the time logged into hierarchy level 2 (“Initiative”) and all linked Epics (including their tasks and subtasks).
So, higher levels will always encompass the lower levels which will be displayed together with them.
We suggest displaying data from the highest hierarchy level and moving to the lower ones. This will give you a clearer and more understandable view of your data.
Below we show some examples of Worklogs time reports with Advanced Roadmaps and explain how to interpret data in them, so you can make the most of your time reports.
The fundamental report you could create is the one that will present one hierarchy. In our example, it’s Hierarchy Level 3, so we set Worklogs as follows:
Categorize by: Hierarchy Level 3
Group by: none
The “total” next to this hierarchy level (1) shows a summary of all time entries logged for the Hierarchy Level 3 and lower levels - Hierarchy Level 2 and Epic (6h25min in our example)
The “no value” field (2) here will display all time entries logged for levels above Hierarchy Level 3. If you logged time for Hierarchy Levels 3,4,5,6,7, and 8 they will all be displayed here.
The “summary” field (3) will display all time entries logged for all hierarchy levels in the chosen date range.
When displaying particular hierarchies, Worklogs give you the option to either see time entries logged for subtasks in these hierarchies separately or to include them in the task/hierarchy they belong to.
To enable displaying tasks separately, click Options on the right of your report.
A tab on the left will open. Select ‘Enable subtask summation’.
Then, your subtasks’ work logs will be shown separately in your report.
You can also prepare a more comprehensive report and choose to display two different hierarchy levels. In this example, we set Worklogs to:
Categorize by: Hierarchy Level 3
Group by: Hierarchy Level 2
The first part of the report shows data as follows:
1- time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 1 + Hierarchy Level 2 (3h in our example)
2 - time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 3 (3h 25mins in our example)
3 - time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 1 + 2 + 3 (6h 25 mins in our example)
4 - time entries logged for Hierarchy Levels above Hierarchy Level 3 (3d 6h in our example)
Notice that the first part of the time report will show only the data for hierarchy levels included in the filters (Categorize by, Group by, Secondary Grouping).
Now, let’s move to the second part of the report - the ‘Summary’. The second part will include both the hierarchy levels from the chosen filters and all other hierarchy levels with time entries logged in the chosen date range.
The second part of the report (the Summary) shows us:
1 - time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 1 + Hierarchy Level 2 (3h in our example)
2 - time entries logged for Hierarchy Levels 3 and above (4d 1h 25m in our example)
3 - all time entries logged for all hierarchy levels - the total time logged in a given date range (4d 4h 25m in our example)
Another report is going to be a bit more comprehensive as we chose three different filters with hierarchy levels, it goes as follows:
Categorize by: Hierarchy Level 3
Group by: Hierarchy Level 2
Secondary grouping: Hierarchy Level 1
How to interpret this set of data? Going from the top, the first six rows are:
1- time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 1 (1h in our example)
2 - time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 2 (2h in our example)
3 - ‘the ‘Total’ row - a sum of time entries logged for Hierarchy Levels 1+2 (3h in our example)
4 - ‘No value’ row - time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 3 (3h 25min in our example):
5 - the ‘Total’ field - a sum of time entries logged for Hierarchy Levels 1+2+3 (6h25min in our example)
6 - ‘No value’ row - time entries logged for Hierarchy Levels higher than Hierarchy level 3
Moving to the Summary Field, the interpretation of data goes as follows:
1 - these rows are a repetition of what we saw in the previous part
2 - the ‘Total’ row is a summary of the time entries logged for Hierarchy Levels 1+2 (3h in hour example)
3 - the ‘No value’ row shows all time entries logged for Hierarchy Level 3 and all Hierarchy Levels above it
4 - the ‘Total for all entries’ row will show you all time entries logged for all Hierarchy Levels (the total time logged in a given date range)
Worklogs - Time Tracking and Time Reports is a time-tracking Jira app where you can group and filter your work log data based on your needs.
If you'd like to learn more about advanced hierarchy in Worklogs or anything else regarding the app you can do it here. You can also schedule an interactive demo and see how the app works in practice.
Kinga -SolDevelo-