Allow your customer to edit request on the customer portal

Hi Guys! I thought I could share some helpful tips on how to make your Customer Portal more customer-friendly and how you can save your and your Agents’ time. Edit request is part of the Feature Bundle app. It allows customers to edit the requests on the Portal or fill in additional information when needed.

Our users love it, so I will share how it works.👇 Take a look, and feel free to ask anything in the comments. 😊

1) Choose what requests type can be edited and who can do it: reporter, Request participants or Organizations 


2) Use drag and drop to choose which fields can be edited

Adjust the fields to your preferences, including Insight, and create transition screens for customers’ support. 


3) Limit the time of editing capabilities. 

Decide how many times customers can edit the field or more – use JQL  to set the edit end date. 



4) Save in on the Portal and minimize agents work in customer communication


Edit Request it’s one of the super useful functionalities of Feature Bundle you try out anytime here 🔗



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