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ScriptRunner Assignee with capital letters

Kassidy_Kenney March 6, 2017

I noticed today that assigneeIds with a leading capital letter are not being linked back to their user upon creation through ScriptRunner.


Use the "Create a subtask" post function with  "issue.assigneeID = 'Username'" as an "Additional issue action" where Username is a valid user with a leading capital letter. 

Expectation:  (this is what happens with an all lowercase username)

Subtask is created and assigned to user. User "display name" appears instead of the assigneeID on the issue

Subtask is created. Assignee shows the entered assigneeId, but is not "clickable" or related to the actual account.


I also tried this as a "Custom scripted post-function" as well, with the same results. It isn't a permissions related problem- once you create the subtask and select edit, you just have to click on the "assigneeId" and it will find the user account. Thinking there might be a bigger underlying issue as I am also unable to edit the assigneeId to an all lowercase username through the JIRA GUI.

Any ideas on a workaround?

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David Lawless March 23, 2017

I've also have just come across this.  I was trying to create a subtask as a post transition and assign to a (local jira) user who's name began with a capital letter (in this case an A) with the intention that the user was emailed when the subtask was created (as the assignee).  Fist noticed a problem when the assignee was not being emailed.  Looking into I could see thatt he subtask was being created with the assignee name showing so on a quick look it appeared fine.  However as you as you say, the assignee did not link back to the actual user (you couldn't click on the assignee and be taken to the user details).  

Furthermore if I clicked into the subtask and then tried to manually assign there are more strange things happening.  If I tried to manually select the user, I'd click in the assigne field and as soon as I typed the A I received an error message - "The JIRA server was contacted but returned an error response.  We are unsure of the result of this operation".  Sme message recieved if I typed upper or lower case A.  

If however I typed any other letter wverythig worked fine - I could select users.  I could even assign to a user, then assign again, and this time typing "a" worked and I was able to assign to the originally tended user.  

I changed the user to begin with a lowercase "a" and everything worked fine.

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