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Jira Plugin to store files

Mathieu Yargeau March 8, 2017

I saw this, but it is almost five years old. Is the answer still valid?

I wanted to be able to store things like xml files, images, maybe zip files. xml files can be easy to store with Active Objects, since I can store it as a String, I guess, but for other files, I would prefer not to use the JIRA HOME. Is there a way to store files somewhere, like Confluence does it? In Confluence, if I attach a file to a page, or insert an image in a page, I cannot find those files in the server's Confluence folder (maybe they are here, but I didn't find them), so it must to stored in some database or something.

Is there something equivalent I can do with Jira?

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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March 9, 2017

JIRA stores the issue attachments in the JIRA_HOME/data/attachments directory, grouped into sub-directories (one for each issue).

I'd suggest you not to use /data/attachments, but using /data/yourownpluginname could be a good candidate.

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