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How do you get workflow items?

doodlekana June 19, 2015

I want to get workflow information when the issue number is given. I want to accomplish this in node.js. I did use 3rd party open source JIRA npm for node. But that does not seem to have any way to retrieve workflow. Now I just want to use javascript syntax to retrieve workflow information using rest api. 

Can you please post example javascript code that makes call to JIRA rest api for workflow.

Thanks a lot. Any input appreciated.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 19, 2015

We can't give you an answer to this.  What does "get workflow information" actually mean?

Try to rephrase this as a question that has an absolute answer - instead of saying "give me information about your cat", ask "what colour is your cat?"

However, before I raise your expectations too much, the answer is likely to be "you can't".  REST only really exposes issue data, it's not (yet) that informative about workflows.  It's a  bit sparse.

doodlekana June 19, 2015

I know rest api for getting workflow is suppose to exist, at least according to the documentation here https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/#api/2/workflow. When I say I want workflow information I am talking about nodes with directed graph. It has transition names on each node. I want to get that information. I thought workflow in JIRA was a standard term not something I have to explain what it is.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 19, 2015

Workflow is a standard term, but you just said "get workflow" which tells us nothing about what you want from that workflow. If you really do mean "the whole workflow", the documentation you've pointed to already tells you how to get the whole thing. Now that you've explained that you actually want the transition names and whatever you mean by "nodes with directed graph", you will have to parse the workflow for that information in your code.

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