Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you might find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Created Dec 2, 2020, Last active Nov 11, 2024
...mpact organisations with the aim of helping them become more effective in their collaboration. When: Thursday 30th January 1pm - 5:30pm (drinks included!) Where: Atlassian’s Amsterdam...
...eamwork innovation, connect with industry peers, be inspired by other customers' success stories, and share tips and tricks with like-minded people. Join us in Amsterdam on May 30, 2024! W...
🤩 We're back... and bigger and better than last year. Our Community Leaders @Fun Man Andy and @Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_ are going head to head again to bring you the best adv...
Are you attending this Thursday's High Velocity ITSM Amsterdam event? Curious who's showing up - roll call! ✋ 💬 Are you coming? Is there a particular topic you're hoping to learn about? C...
Hello ACE Amsterdam 👋 We are thrilled to invite you to the most exciting and impactful event of the year for Atlassian enthusiasts - Enterprise-Dam 2023! If you're passionate about Atlassian p...
...tlassian's upcoming High Velocity Team Tour in Amsterdam... 📆 Friday 16th June 2023 @ 9am CEST 📍 Andaz Amsterdam, Prinsengracht 🎟️ Register for your free ticket here It's not your o...
📆 We are just moments (okay, days!) away from the BIG one... Atlassian Team '23 in Las Vegas, Baby! And if you're not in full countdown mode yet, why not?? Keep in mind, it's no longer the ca...
...ce.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-amsterdam-presents-appsterdam-marketplace-event/ The Appsterdam Community Event kicks off on the 10 November at 6pm and you're invited to take part i...
Hoi ik ben bezig met het inrichten van mijn confluence paginas voor verschillende projecten. Niet iedereen van mijn teamleden wil ik inzicht geven in verschillende spaces. Maar tot nu toe is ...
Het behalen van de certificaten en badges voor Atlassian kan nog vrij veel werk zijn. En vanuit mijn studietijd weet ik nog dat het fijn was om af en toe te kunnen sparren in een groep. Want uiteinde...
Gebruikers hebben de vraag gesteld of het mogelijk is om SVG image bestanden te kunnen gebruiken in Confluence. We hebben een SVG-Out add-on bekeken en daarop security tests losgelaten. We waren in s...
De gebruikers van Confluence hebben de wens om gebruik te maken van iframes. Daarvoor is html nodig maar de standaard html macro levert je meet een security risico op en de informatie beveiligers zul...
@Tzoek is one of three incredible leaders of the Amsterdam Atlassian User Group (AUG). In this article you will learn about how Tzoe got involved in the lively world of AUGs, her take on why t...
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