Problem displaying a custom field type that I created

Eric Dangoor July 12, 2012

I have created a new custom field type in my plugin. The new type is designed to contain time duration values similar to those supported by the worklogs (e.g. 3w 2d 1h).

The underlying DB value is store as a Double. The value stored is the number of seconds.

The transport object is a Long (so that it can for example be added to worklog values).

The display object is a String which is generated using a JiraDurationUtils object.

All of this seems to work fine except for one problem:

My velocity template for viewing the value uses $value to display the value on the screen. The value that I am seeing is the number of seconds rather than the formatted string.

My velocity template for editing also uses $value, but when I edit the issue I see the formatted string rather than the number of seconds.

Why do the two templates behave differently and how can I call a function from the view template to convert the value to a formatted string (I already have that function available in my custom field class) ?

I am using JIRA 4.3.3

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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July 12, 2012

I think you can override the getObjectFromDbValue (or getStringFromSingularObject) method to return the formatted String instead of the long value that is saved.

Another option is ofcourse to put JIRADurationUtils in the context and do the formatting in the view template itself.

Eric Dangoor July 12, 2012

I have already overridden getStringFromSingularObject with a version that converts from Long to a formatted String. This is working fine as can be seen when I edit my issue (the value of the custom field appears as a correctly formatted string).

Why is the view template replacing $value with the Long value while the edit template is replacing it with the formatted String (as produced by the getStringFromSingularObject method) ?

I am not at all experienced in using velocity and I don't know how to do any manipulation in the template. What do I need to put in the template (and code ?) to get the following conversion ?


formattedString = durationUtils.getFormattedDuration(longValue, defaultLocale);


Thanks in advance

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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July 12, 2012

in the getVelocityParameters method, add JIRADurationUtils to the context. May be the locale too.

params.add("durationUtils", jiraDurationUtils);
params.add("locale", defaultLocale);

You can the do this in template:

#if ($value)
$durationUtils.getFormattedDuration($value, $locale);

Eric Dangoor July 12, 2012

Thanks Jobin, that works fine !

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