I'm attempting to organize my Release Notes template so that it looks something like this:
Is this possible? I know you can get all the Issues from an IssueType - but is there any way to say 'component.issueType.issues', or even 'issuetype.component.issues'.
If you have a suggestion for another direction that would be great as well.
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The code below works for me (Jira 4.4). It's of course not the cleanest way, so feel free to refactor in the next answers.
## GET COMPONENTS FOR THE CURRENT PROJECT #set ($components = []) #foreach ($issueType in $issueTypes) #if ($issueType.issues.size() > 0) #foreach($issue in $issueType.issues) #if ($issue.componentObjects.size() > 0) #foreach($component in $issue.componentObjects) #if ($components.contains($component.name) == false) #set( $echoOf = $components.add($component.name)) #end #end #end #end #end #end ## ## #foreach ($component in $components) <h3>$component</h3> <ul> #foreach ($issueType in $issueTypes) #if($issueType.issues.size() > 0) #set ($tmpIssuesArray = []) #foreach ($issue in $issueType.issues) #if ($issue.componentObjects.size() > 0) #foreach($issuecomponent in $issue.componentObjects) #if ($issuecomponent.name == $component) #set( $echoOf = $tmpIssuesArray.add($issue)) #end #end #end #end #if ($tmpIssuesArray.size() > 0) <li> <h4>$textUtils.htmlEncode($issueType.name)</h4> <ul> #foreach ($issue in $tmpIssuesArray) <li>[<a href='$requestContext.canonicalBaseUrl/browse/$issue.key'>$issue.key</a>] - $textUtils.htmlEncode($issue.summary)</li> #end </ul> </li> #end #end #end </ul> #end
This worked great for me in Jira 7. Exactly what I was looking for. All I had to do was replace the < and > notation with < and > respectivly. Thanks @[deleted]
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I was not able to get this to work for our JIRA v.6.4.6 instance. I followed the instructions to "Add a new custom style for Jira release notes" and added header formatting from the Text release notes but this component report shows a blank page. Has anyone confirmed that the above template works, or does is it missing something?
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