Jira kanban managing bugs and subtasks

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May 31, 2012

We have just started using greenhopper and kanban. The 2 issues we see right now are how to deal with Bugs and Sub Tasks

1) there are times we want bugs to be opened in the same state as the parent. So if I am in my "Testing" column and write a bug against a Jira I would Like the bug to open in the same column as we are fixing bugs as they arrive most times.

2) very similar we would like to be able to create subtasks off of a ticket and have them open in the same state as most times we will have sub tasks moving through the board with there parent ticket.

Any thoughts on best way to do this or if this is a bad idea

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Rob October 5, 2012

There are some existing requests for this in JIRA. I think these correspond to what you want. Please vote!

1) https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/GHS-5120

2) https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/GHS-5386

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