Agile Coaching series-Part 1| Who is an Agile Coach 🧑‍🏫?

Hello dear Agile ambassadors,

How are you all doing today?

This article is posted to give a view about who an Agile Coach is… So, please read on and share your thoughts, experiences and suggestions in the comments section.

The ICP-ACC emphasis about “Agile mindset” as a kick start for the Coaching journey.




Have you ever wondered why “mindset is important” and plays a role in “a journey” ! 

Dictionary meaning of “mindset” = it’s a way of thinking; attitude; approach and behavior’s to an unexpected situation. 

Let’s decode the definition. A mindset prepares the person to be ready for any unexpected situation through a set of steps he/she might seems fit that can deliver value.

If we apply the same to Agile methodology, an agile mindset focuses on “being Agile” as a foundation to embrace and adapt to change throughout. Since, change is inevitable and is continuous which comes with a price (efforts/ cost/ planning/ resources/ tools/ Skillsets etc.) a set of values and Principles strengthen and forms the foundation for an Agile mindset. This is the reason majority calls “Agile is a mindset”.


So, the 4 foundational Agile values are:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

  • Working software over comprehensive documentation

  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

  • Responding to change over following a plan


Let’s see who is an Agile coach🦸:

The organizations deploy an Agile coach and introduce to the projects. This coach will “understand and play the role” per the “context” he/she is roped in at the team level, project/ program level and portfolio/ Enterprise levels. Exploring critical success factors is a good way to understand the organizational context.

  • A coach is a role model who knows when to apply the right stance.

  • Lead by example and practice appreciation.

  • Focus on intent.

  • Apply critical thinking and understand cause/ effect.

  • Avoids being prescriptive.

  • Detached from their own opinion and partner with coachee in helping his/her transformation journey.

  • Demonstrate servant leadership.

  • Facilitates practices and collaboration, discuss disagreements and options, define clear goals and “outcomes” on one or few teams.

  • Develop teams, mentors and advice managers.

  • Coach teams on how they should implement frameworks, processes and tools.


Source: My personal blog

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