how to add a new project in the cross project release plan

Dejan Kocic January 21, 2017

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Creating project-specific releases

I have a new project added in my portfolio and I would like to sync it with an existing cross project releases with the rest of my portfolio projects. How I do this?

6 answers

1 vote
Matt Riley
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June 25, 2019

You can do this, just figured it out.

  1. Create a normal release for the project that you want to include within a cross project release.
  2. Open the cross project release from within Portfolio > Releases
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the panel that appears, showing all the releases that are included within the cross project release.
  4. Click Add Release, select the release that you added in step 1.
  5. The original release you added should be updated to now show as a CPR release.
Coco S Chaussée
October 28, 2019

This works.  Thanks Matt.

1 vote
Allard van Helbergen
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 22, 2017

Hi Dejan,

If I understand your question correctly, you've just added a new project to your plan and you want to add an existing cross-project release to that project. This is not possible as it is not how cross-project releases work.

Think of Cross-project releases as collections of releases that only exist within a plan. Thus, it's not possible to add a cross-project release to project; it's a one-way street. But you can a create a release in that project and add it to the cross-project release.

In your case, to achieve the desired effect you will need to create a new release in the freshly added project and add that to the desired cross-project release in your plan.

You can find out how to manage your cross-project releases on this page,

Hope that helps.


Dejan Kocic January 23, 2017

Hi Allard and thank you for your prompt response.


So, I was not clear. I have several CPR’s in my Portfolio and recently I have added a new project in my Portfolio. This new project didn’t have any releases defined and I wanted to add existing Portfolio CPR releases to this new project, so that we inline respective deliverables. I cannot find any relevant info on how to do this.




Tomas Arguinzones Yahoo
March 13, 2017

Hi Dejan...did you figure out how to do so? I am trying to accomplish the exact same thing as you describe.



I'm New Here
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March 20, 2017

Hey guys I'm trying to do the same thing either. Someone have the solution ? 

Amanda Mallinger May 2, 2017

Hi all,

I, too, am attempting the same thing. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Allard van Helbergen
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 2, 2017

Hi all, 

Think of Cross-project releases as collections of releases. They only exist within a plan.

Thus, it's not possible to add a cross-project release to a project; it's a one-way street. But you can a create a release in that project and add it to the cross-project release. 

I've update my above answer to reflect this. Hope this helps. 


Aaron Hicks May 21, 2017


I too have added a new project to a plan. I want the new project to be included in the cross-project releases that already exist in the plan.

One of the reasons we're evaluating Portfolio is to use cross-releases to syncronise releases in the plan across projects in Jira. We have many projects and it's more managable to add them to a plan one-by-one rather than all at once. This restriction blocks this more managed approach to building a plan.

Allard van Helbergen
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 22, 2017

Hi Aaron, what is your exact question? Does the above answer and corresponding doc link not solve your usecase? If it is a different issue please file a new question, thanks!

Aaron Hicks May 22, 2017

My case was the same as the original post, and your answer is Portfolio can't do that. The link confirms that, so it does not solve my use case.

As it stands Portfolio can not bring new projects into a plan and use existing cross-project releases to synchronise their schedules.

So, the answer is not to create a new issue, but to suggest a change:


0 votes
Manuel Botija
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May 15, 2019

I think the confusion comes because when a new CPR is created all the projects in the plan get their own specific release automatically without having to manually add individual releases to each project

However, this automatic behavior cannot be replicated when adding a project to a plan *after* the CPRs have already been created.

I think it is a new feature request :)

0 votes
Robert Bischof October 31, 2018

I have the same use case.  I 'think' the only way to do it is to delete the XPR release (in portfolio and all projects), then re-add it and include the new project.

I don't understand why 
1. it makes sense to add the XPR release to all projects included when it is created,
    but not allow sharing the XPR release to new projects added to the plan.
2. why the XPR releases added to the products included at creation time are 'copies',
     such that if you update the Porfolio XPR, it doesn't update the 'copy' in each project.
     ...again, I think you have to delete the XPR and recreate it to properly share the update.

This use case is common for us.  We have a number of large projects that have to be delivered as part of a tool kit, which has milestones, all of which can shift.  Portfolio seems like the perfect tool to manage this, but the XPRs don't provide this functionality.  We'd prefer the 'one-way street' that goes the other way, although a two-way street would be best.

0 votes
Dejan Kocic May 22, 2017

Hi all,

Indeed in the URL above Allard posted you can find the way how to do this, add a new project to existing CPR.

However, Portfolio for Jira didn’t work for me and finally after many months of trying to work with it, we gave up. Simply, the way it has been implemented and its philosophy is not what could be really useful (even thou, it looks like this). Last but not least, it has lot of problems.

Instead of Portfolio, try to utilize Epics. I believe you can achieve what you need and sync across different projects.

Amanda Mallinger May 22, 2017

I suspect we are in a cenario like yours, Dejan, Portfolio may simply not work for actually managing the priority and project and story changes we have that fall within a known set of releases.

0 votes
Amanda Mallinger May 2, 2017

This is not an answer but the reply button appears to be non-functional in my browser, so I'll try posting as an answer:

Hi all,

I, too, am attempting the same thing. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?


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