delete subtask in JIRA

Dania Zaccara January 16, 2018

Hi all, 

I notice that in Portfolio I can't remove item from plan without removing his parent issue. 

I mean, when I have a story with an epic and initiative link, if this story is the only one under his relative epic, when I exclude this story from my portfolio plan, portfolio remove his epic also. 

Why this behavior? 



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Atlassian Team
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January 16, 2018

Hi @Dania Zaccara,


What you are seeing is due to selection behavior and not really how the exclude works. You are still able to only commit the sub-task / revert the parent(s) changes in the commit dialog.


That being said, I'd be keen on having more details on what would be your expected "selection" behavior when:

  1. Selecting a parent item
  2. Selecting a child item
  3. Selecting all of the children of an issue




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