% complete based on resolution field not empty..

Chris Mitchell
January 7, 2016

According to the Portfolio progress tracking page (https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiraportfolioserver/status-and-progress-tracking-715263088.html#Statusandprogresstracking-Resolved), the resolved field just has to be not empty.. "If the issue is resolved ( Resolution field is not empty), the progress is 100%." when there are no sub-issues.  Yet I see no change in progress in portfolio when all of the JIRA issues associated with a portfolio are marked other than closed, resolved or done...... (at least of the one's I've checked)

2 answers

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Chris Mitchell
January 10, 2016

Martin, I have not -- thank you for your input!




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Martin Suntinger
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 10, 2016

Hey Chris, have you gotten any further with this yet? It's hard to tell what could be wrong, what should happen is that if an issue has children, (an epic, or an initiative), the child items should display a progress of either 0% or 100% depending on issue resolution, and then the #resolved/#unresolved should aggregate up to the parent. If this is still open, I'd recommend raising a support ticket to investigate the specific case, naming exactly which resolution the issues have, and what the progress column in portfolio shows exactly (if anything). Thanks! Martin Suntinger, PM for Portfolio 

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