Why am I seeing pointed and unpointed epics as dark blue and light blue bars in the timeline?

Amy Randall February 14, 2018

I have created a few plans in portfolio and typically if an epic is unpointed I will have the light blue bar. If the epic has points I will see the dark blue bar. For one particular plan it does not seem to follow that pattern. All of the epics are assigned a releases. Some have no points and some have points. The unpointed epics are showing as light blue bars, however, I am also seeing other epics ( in that release) that are showing as light blue but have points. Any insights?

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Amy Randall February 16, 2018

For anyone this may benefit I figured out the answer. It appears that if an epic has pointed stories but the stories are all completed it reflects that epic as "not pointed" and thus the light blue bar.

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