Why am I not able to view capacity per person?

Kristin Longest
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November 13, 2017


I am vetting Portfolio for JIRA and have run into a view issues. The first being that I am not able to view capacity per person. 

This should be as simple as selecting the gear cog on the righ-hand side of the screen and selecting person. However, when I do that I receive a message saying "There is no capacity data in the current result set." 

This message leads me to believe there is something that I need to configure in order to have this display correctly but my searches have let me empty handed. Can anyone help me out? 

I attached a copy of what I see when I select person view versus team capacity view. 

Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 12.34.08 PM.pngScreen Shot 2017-11-13 at 12.34.21 PM.png


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Jason Golden
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December 12, 2017

Can we see a screenshot of your Team panel with the people expanded? This view suggests your Team is not aligned to the board (which would be weird), your people are not properly aligned to the Data Team Big Board Team, or they do not have defined capacities at the per-resource level (but the capacity is set at the team level).

Kristin Longest
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 22, 2017


I have since been able to resolve this. I had not assigned each team member a role. Which, let me be clear, setting roles is not intuitive and I do not trust the calculations they are making regarding individual capacity. 

I am continuing to dig into the tool for my product teams but the learning curve for portfolio is incredibly steep. The free trial should really be like 3 mo. because that's how long it is taking me as our JIRA company admin to learn it. :( 



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