Viewing sub-tasks in Portfolio Scope View

Natasha Denny
July 9, 2019

I've created a portfolio plan and its displaying all defined issues in my filter, according to the set hierarchy, except for sub-tasks.

Has anyone experienced this before? 

I am using Jira Portfolio Cloud

Here are the hierarchy configurations we have set up:

Jira portfolio heirarchy.PNG

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 11, 2019

HI Natasha,

You might be hitting a render limit on the number of issue present.  How many issues are there in the issue sources for the plan?

As covered in the feature request we have to increase these limits:

Currently there is an upper limit of 100 Project and 5000 open issues per plan due to performance restriction. 

These are hard set limits that cannot be changed, and there is an additional render amount as well where only 2000 issues can be rendered on the plan at any given time,  so as an exe if you have 1 story with 2000 subtasks you will be over the render limit and the subtasks hierarchy level will be hidden from the scope and only render the single subtask.


Natasha Denny
July 11, 2019

Thanks for getting back to me @Earl McCutcheon

There are only 300 issues and one project that are in the filter so I don’t think that’s the issue...

Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 12, 2019

Hi Natasha,

Thanks for the confirmation and the issues would be well within the limits with 300, so there are a few other things to check.  Please refer to the following thread that notes a really good list of items that could influence the visibility of issues in a plan:

The List notes that the FixVersion field is required and must be visible but this also extends to the AffectsVersion field as well and both need to be visible, So when checking the issue type scheme used by the subtask issue type make sure both fields are present and visible (Not set to hidden).


Natasha Denny
July 14, 2019

Hi I’ve checked and both fix version and affect version are visible. The sub tasks are still not displaying in the portfolio plan. Do they need to be specifically on the screen? 

Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 15, 2019

Hi Natasha,

I was playing around with the settings a bit and figured out where the disconnect is occuring.  It looks like you have the Standard issue type that is the parent of the sub-task issues mapped to the Epic level here:

Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at 10.15.55 AM.png

Because the parent Story issue type is mapped to the Epic level and the Subtask cannot be displayed because the Story level hierarchy is being skipped and jumping to Epic.

At the epic level you should really only be using the epic issue type, where this functionality is useful for multiple issue type selection is at the higher initiative levels if you have multiple issue types you need mapped to the initiative hierarchy.


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