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User story and its subtasks workflow dependency

Garima Tanwar
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August 17, 2021

Hi All,

Currently I am working on JIRA project configuration as per different- different scenario. Need to configure the below setup for one of the JIRA project. 

1. By default below 4 sub tasks to be added when user story get created in project. 
-Test plan  
-Test use cases  
-Test Result

2. Each task contains a URL field. 

3. User story and its subtask has different workflow/// this can be done manually as it is one time task. 

4. Dependency between both workflow. For example-

When user works on sub task and change its status as in-progress/completes then user story status should also get changed accordingly.

Can you please help how can I accomplish the above tasks with minimal human intervention?

Thanks in advance..!



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