Unable to create Programs in Portfolio 2.6.0

Alessandro Placidi September 6, 2017


I have updated Portfolio for JIRA to version 2.6.0 and, according to the release notes, Programs have been rolled out. Despite that, I can't seem to be able to create one.

I have read through the documentation and followed the instructions there, but  I can't find the elements mentioned, like the new permissions or the Create Program option.

My UI is exactly as it was before the update and it only mentions plans. All other new features, like the dependency report, are there so I don't think the update to 2.6 wasn't successful.

Anyone had the same issue?

3 answers

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Roi Fine
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 6, 2017

Hi Alessandro,

We released a fix for it on version 2.6.1

Please update for the new version to enjoy the full functionality of Programs.

I hope that helps,


Alessandro Placidi September 7, 2017

Hi Roi,

versione 2.6.1 fixed my issue completely.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 7, 2017

Hi Alessandro,

I spoke to one of the Portfolio devs and they believe they found the issue.  They took 2.6 off the Marketplace and they put up 2.6.1.  See if that resolved the issue for you.



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Eric Franklin September 6, 2017

Hi Alessandro,

Just to be clear, when you go to <instance_URL>/secure/PortfolioPortfolioManage.jspa and click 'Create', you don't see the option to create a Program, is that correct? By default, if you are a Portfolio for JIRA user (you configure these permissions in <instance_URL>/secure/PortfolioPermissions.jspa), you should be able to Create a program, and once created, program permissions can be modified. Also, in case it helps, here is the document specific to program permissions:


Alessandro Placidi September 6, 2017

Hi Eric,

thank you for your help! In fact, manually using your link I am able to access the page where I can create a program.

What is strange is that in my top bar Menu, inside Portfolio, I don't have any item that links to that URL. I have instead:

  • The latest recent plans.
  • View All Plans
  • Manage Shared Team
  • Create Plan
  • Administration

It's as if I have all the functionality I need, but the menu in the top bar has not been updated to reflect them.

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