Tickets with Same Values and Filters But Some Do Not Pull into Advanced Roadmaps

Stacy Gardner
January 19, 2022

I have 10 tickets with the exact same ticket values (see below) that meet the same filter requirements (i.e. labeled with a specific tag).  Only 9 of the 10 tickets show up in the Advanced Roadmap Configuration Issue Sources view (i.e. 3 of 3 - Confirm what's in scope step), all of these 9 tickets are checked as in scope (and show their source as "Filter: Labeled with ..."), but when I click "Done", only 3 of the tickets actually show up in the actual advanced roadmap.

  • Type: Epic
  • Creation date: 12/06/2019
  • Updated date: 01/10/2022 (or more recent)
  • Status: Open
  • Resolution: Unresolved

I have confirmed they are not at the bottom under "issues without parents" and I've confirmed the labels are correct (the only filtering item).  There are no other filters in the plan view.

I know that completed tickets greater than 365 days old won't pull in, but these are open/unresolved tickets.  Can anyone provide any further insight into what may be going on here or other troubleshooting steps to try?

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Stacy Gardner
April 21, 2022

I was finally able to locate the missing tickets.  Here's what I'd responded to the Atlassian Support agent with:

Thank you for the guidance.  Unfortunately, none of those listed items identified any reason why the issues weren't showing.  
However, I poked around in the Configuration board and saw there is a "Removed Issues" page (settings/removedIssues) that had the missing tickets listed (I don't recall this feature in the past, but perhaps it's a new one).  It didn't give any insight into how/why/who removed the tickets, but I was able to add them back in.  
Would it make sense to update the KB you provided with a reminder that the "Removed Issues" Configuration feature exists and may have missing tickets listed?  You may also want to update this page (and the different versions) with an overview of the "Removed Issues" feature to find, review, and re-add removed issues, since I can't find a single mention of the configuration feature in your documentation.  Just a thought.  Also, capturing additional detail in that view re: who removed tickets from scope and when would prove useful as well.  Thank you for your assistance!

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Curt Holley
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January 19, 2022

Hi @Stacy Gardner 

Welcome to the community!

So when you look at the filter results in Jira (via Advanced issue search) do you get 9 or 10?

Am I right in thinking they are all Epics, that are Unresolved?

Have you analysed what if different about the 3 that do show to the 6 (or 7) that do not? As there must be a difference and I believe the answer lies there.

Also, you say "completed tickets greater than 365 days old won't pull in" but the default setting for that is 30 days, so perhaps check how that is configured for the plan (even though these particular issues are open, it is wise to be sure of that setting in your Plans) 

Stacy Gardner
January 21, 2022

Thank you for your response and for the welcome!  All are unresolved epics (except one) (from the same project, if that matters). I've confirmed I'd already set the max ticket age for closed tickets to 365 already, and only one ticket is closed in either case (and it is one that is pulling in).

The Advanced Plan has two filters - tickets on a strategic Security board + any other tickets tagged with a specific label ("SecurityReporting") across a range of projects.  On the "Confirm what's in scope" page, I am only seeing 9 of the 10 tickets.  I don't see anything unique about the ticket that is not showing up (it's an epic, created on the same date as the others, open, recently edited (within the last month), "Unresolved", has the SecurityReporting label).  For the other 9, once I click "Done", still only the 3 of the 9 show up in the AR.

I did the advanced issues search you recommended (type = Epic AND labels in (SecurityReporting) ORDER BY key ASC), and I see the 10 issues.  As with above, all were created on 12/06/2019, all were recently edited (within the last month or so), all are "Open" (actually, one is closed, but it's one that is pulling into the AR), all are "Unresolved" (one that's closed that's pulling in does have a status of "Resolved"). 

I added some additional columns, they have different priorities, some are assigned and some are unassigned,  and some have Target start and Target end dates and others don't, but for all, there's no logic/pattern that would indicate either fields would impact the results return.  If you're aware of any fields (like the resolution field) that impact the way Advanced Roadmaps behaves (i.e. closed tickets without the resolution field set don't pull in), I can add those fields as columns to the advanced issues search to see if I can find a pattern, but with 400+ fields, it's hard to guess what those might be.

They all did historically have different epics listed, but I believe the ticket types were changed, as the values are just text now (I assume these sub-tickets were elevated to epics, so the epic-epic relationship can't happen and now it's just text).  Either way, the 3 tickets that are pulling in also have the "old epic name text" populated, so that shouldn't be what's impacting it.  All are using the same workflow. 

All have separate initiative parent links used for a different Advanced Roadmap (both what is pulling in and what is not), so again, that shouldn't be what's impacting it, but I'm not saving the parent relationships in my board, we're leaving them as draft so that we can organize tickets into Security's priority without impacting how teams plan their strategic builds and releases/override their parent links.  Either way, the 3 that are pulling in do have parent links set that are not my AR, so again, that shouldn't be what's preventing other tickets from pulling in.

I know this is a lot of info, but if you have insight into what's bolded above, or any other suggestions to try, I'd appreciate it.  I agree with you there has to be something different, but I honestly can't figure out what it could be.

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