Team Member Availability from shared team

June 4, 2024

Dear Atlassian Community,

how can I view the team member availability from a shared team which I have created in Jira DC version 9.12.5?

I have come across the following item, valid for Jira DC version 3.29, explaining as how to view it:

Configuring the availability of team members | Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Data Center 3.29 | Atlassian Documentation

And as I use Jira DC version 9.12.5, I was expecting to see my team member availability from the shared team I have created but it's not the case: I don't see it at all.
Please note I'm been given the advanced roadmaps rights from my Jira Administrator as for this attachment:Advanced_Roadmaps_Permissions.PNG

Can you please confirm that the team member availability is implemented also in Jira DC version 9.12.5? And if so, what I have to do/set-up to see it?

Thanks in advance,


2 answers

0 votes
June 10, 2024

Dear @Björn Gullander Eficode,

any comments/feedback on my last post/concern?

Thanks, Vincenzo. 

0 votes
Björn Gullander Eficode June 5, 2024


Since a couple of versions ago, the focus on capacity is only on Team level. The settings for individual team member capacity is removed.


You are able to set velocity on Team level and also on sprint level when showing the team capacity in the Timeline view. 

There should be some effect on how auto scheduler works depending on how many members a team has, but I can't say how that works. 

June 6, 2024

Hi @Björn Gullander Eficode,

thanks for your reply.

And how Team Capacity is working across different plans?

I have created, from the "Plans" plug-in, 2 plans in which I use the same Team but it seems to me that this plug-in is NOT taking into account, within a given plan, the Team load from an other plan.

Is this a known limitation of the plug-in or am I doing somthing wrong, and if so, could you please provide me with more documentation about the usage of the Team Capacity cross plans?

Thanks, Vincenzo.

P.S.: as for above I use Jira DC version 9.2.15.


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