Task not added to plan

Altaine Team
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April 13, 2017

Hi all

I have a portfolio plan which includes an epic. When I add a task to that epic, the task does not show up in my plan. 

This is not the case with the other plans I use. I can't find any difference between the plan that works and those which don't.

Has this happened to someone else?

Many thanks in advance


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Altaine Team
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 20, 2017

Hi Marteen, I got the same answer from Atlassian today an dthat resolved the problem. Thank you very much for your help.

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Maarten Cautreels
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April 15, 2017

Hi Fed,

I just replied to a very similar question: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/JIRA-questions/Unable-to-find-the-newly-added-tasks-under-EPIC-in-the-planned/qaq-p/461946

I think it's related to the type of plan. There's actually two types: classic and live plan. In case it's a classic plan you can sync the plan with the JIRA state. For more info check the following Confluence page: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiraportfoliocloud/updating-a-plan-715263783.html?_ga=1.200610093.2052698580.1464111368

Hope this helps.



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