'Story Points' Estimation option is always disable to Configure

Bhumika Dave December 22, 2020

Hello Experts,

My issue source is multiple project boards. Only one of them was Kanban board, which I removed.

However, Story Points option is still disabled under Configure -> Scheduling -> Estimation.

While hovering, I am seeing "Story Points are unavailable when using Kanban teams."

What's wrong here? For heads-up

1. Some of the project boards don't have assigned Release, Sprints and hence story points.

2 answers

2 votes
Roi Fine
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 4, 2021

Hi team,


I just checked it. You'll need to delete/remove the kanban teams from the plan, and also save that change to Jira. You'd be able to select story points in the plan config.

I hope that helps,



Tim Cooley (TMNA)
January 30, 2023

How do you do this?

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Bhumika Dave December 22, 2020

Okay. One more finding..

So, one of the Projects had both Kanban and Scrum boards. Since, Kanban board was not in use, I deleted it.

Now, when I created a new plan with Scrum board of that project, I can see, Story Points Estimates enabled. However, it is still disabled on old plan.

Is it a bug or works like this?

Curt Holley
Community Leader
Community Leader
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December 23, 2020

The story points option is disabled when a team is set as a Kanban team, it isn't that the board you are using as a issue source happens to be a kanban board.

Go to the Teams section of the Plan and ensure all in scope teams are set up as Scrum (even if it is a team created by the Plan from a kanban board). Once you do this, the Story point option will be enabled.

If you hover over the disabled story point option it will tell you " Story points are unavailable when using kanban teams"

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Bhumika Dave December 23, 2020

Thanks. However, if you read my both observations thoroughly, I have mentioned that

1. I've already deleted the Kanban board from the team.

2. After this, when I created new plan, it works fine (Story point enabled), but not in existing one.

FYI. Both new and old plans now have exactly same Scrum teams. So the question is, ow is it working for new plan and not for old?

Yuliia Zhyliaieva
December 27, 2020

Same here. Both teams are Scrum in my plan, and still I can't enable Story points

Bhumika Dave December 28, 2020

Yuliia, Does one of your projects has Kanban board also? In that case also you won't see the option.

Timothy Padgett April 27, 2022

I know this is an old thread, but how do I avoid this if I am using a filter as the Issue Source?

Curt Holley
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 27, 2022

@Timothy Padgett See my comment in this thread. Also @Roi Fine is telling it how it is.

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Timothy Padgett April 28, 2022

Totally missed that comment.  yup, that autocreated team was the culprit.  Thank you for the help.

Verna Lewis May 4, 2022

I understand that this thread has been going on for a bit, but I want to be sure about something.

I have one Team associated with a specific Jira Roadmap under the Roadmap Teams tab, and it is listed as a Kanban team. I would like to see if using Progress (story points) will help us to see something similar to an overall burndown for the go-forward work of the entire project. So I would like to change the Team Type to Scrum on the Teams tab.

I want to be sure that if I change the team from Kanban to Scrum that the change *only* impacts the Roadmap and will not change anything in the team's regular, working Kanban boards for each sprint etc.

think that is the way it works, but want to confirm before making the change.

Any insight into this will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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