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Start/End Date on Story Type Issue in Kanban board

Vincent Lim September 29, 2021

Is there anyway to add a Start/End Date on Story Type Issue in a Kanban board? Seems like it's only allowing me to add it on the Epic and not Story?

4 answers

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Vincent Lim September 30, 2021

Thanks all for your replies. I think it's not possible at the moment and needs to be done on the Epic level which is assuming that all stories under that Epic will be completed without breaks in between. 


I'm using Target End on Stories now as an internal way of tracking which is not ideal but the only way I can think of. 

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Rathesh Richards
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 29, 2021

Hi @Vincent Lim,
Currently, On the basic project roadmap, story-level date-based planning is not supported for Kanban (you won't be able to see the due dates for the stories on the roadmap). We recognize that many customers are asking for this and we are looking into it for Kanban boards, but I can't share more with you just yet.

If you are on JIRA premium, you have access to Advanced Roadmaps under the "Plans" drop-down on the top navigation. 

I'd be happy to chat if you have any other questions or feedback related to roadmaps.

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Curt Holley
Community Leader
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September 29, 2021

Hi @Vincent Lim 

if your Epics have those fields, then they can be added to the stories. Talk to an Admin and ask about having them added into the relevant schemes for use at the story level.

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Mayur Jadhav
Community Leader
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September 29, 2021

Hi @Vincent Lim 

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!!

As per my knowledge, this isn't possible - I believe you can relate due date to target end date via Advanced Roadmaps, but that's the main built-in function.

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