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Sort by custom field -> no depedencies visible

Dirk Aerts June 17, 2024

Hello all,

I have a question concerning the advanced roadmaps. We use it for our multi team cross domain planning. The planning is grouped by a custom field.


The roadmap shows the planning correctly, however it does not show the dependencies between different 'swimlanes' of the group by.

Has anyone an idea how it could be resolved? or work-around?

many thanks!



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Crystelle S
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June 20, 2024

Hey! could you provide a screenshot with the proprietary bits smudged out? that can be helpful.

Dirk Aerts June 20, 2024

adv planning.png


As you can see in the screen, there are dependency lines between the green ones, this is OK. However there are also dependencies between the grey and green ones, but these are not visible.

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