Showing Risk Status at an Initiative Level

Clare Chawke
October 8, 2020

I have an Advanced Roadmap Plan based on multiple Initiatives from multiple teams. It looks great and nicely rolls up the status to a high level.
One thing we're missing is a "Risk Status" to say if the whole initiative is at risk. On a traffic light scale, Red/Yellow/Green. I can add a field to the Initiative for this status but I don't know how to display this nicely in Advanced Roadmaps. Either with a color or a tag that jump on at a quick glance.

Anyone implemented something like this? In RTC we used to have plans where you could add color tags based on labels or fields to quickly highlight status. Everything that was green was good. Anything that was Yellow/Red got drilled into.


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Kiran Mitra August 31, 2022

I am also in need for a solution that visualizes, sorts, filters advance roadmap plan groups/initiatives based on risks, with the option to record and manage risks.

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