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Schedule issues by release - in Data Center

Max Richardson October 11, 2022

There is a support document that explains clearly how to schedule issues by release in Advanced Roadmaps:

However, this document applies only to Jira Cloud; I'm unable to find the equivalent for Data Center. As far as I can tell this functionality is not mentioned anywhere for Data Center and, furthermore, the config options seem to suggest that it is not possible, offering only the possibility of using Sprint dates as an alternative to the selected start and end dates. 

Roadmaps in DataCenter knows the release dates, and it knows which issues are assigned to which release, but it seems unable connect these two pieces of information. 

Can anyone help out here?


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Daniel Ebers
Rising Star
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January 17, 2023

Hi @Max Richardson

I think you are right.

Please review if the Suggestion open with Atlassian is indeed what you are seeing - if so, it surely would make sense to vote & watch the issue over there.

Best Regards,

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