We adopted the SAFe Portfolio Configuration in our organization. We have followed the SAFe Implementation Plan and now we are 'Extending to Portfolio'. We followed the cPrime paper on setting up JIRA for SAFe. The paper does not tell you how to do it, but we have a GREAT JIRA Admin consultant that figured it out. A SPC with 20 years under his belt told me that he has never seen a tool setup like ours that supports SAFe. We are extreamely lucky and starting our 3rd Programme Increment.
As you can tell, I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished.
We have a great Portfolio Kanban, but the real problem we have is that the Portfolio Plan Atlassian add-on is not great for Epic Plans or Portfolio Plans.
I hope someone can help me find a great tool for Portfio Plans and Epic Plans. BigPicture looks OK, but not great.