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Put advanced roadmaps on Confluence

Mario Amaya November 22, 2022

Hey guys Im trying to put the advanced roadmap on Confluence but I cant see the /advanced roadmaps for Jira plan in confluence, do you know what can I do?

2 answers

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Dan -minware-
Rising Star
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November 22, 2022

Disclaimer: marketplace partner!

Hey @Mario Amaya -

We might be able to help with this at minware - I have another team that is looking for Confluence activity to be included in our Value Stream Report (below) but we could also incorporate it into our predictive roadmap depending on what you are looking for. 

Can you share more about your requirements?


minware value stream.png

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 22, 2022

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Advanced Roadmaps is software intended for reporting and planning large scale pieces of work which will be executed by many teams, almost certainly within many more than one project.  The planing is done by creating many "work items" which you would write up as stories, issues, or whatever else you want to call them, but would be handled by some form of issue tracker.

Jira is an issue tracker.  Confluence is a wiki.  Confluence doesn't have issues or work items to plan, it's a documentation, authoring or even just content-management system.

So there is no Advanced Roadmaps for Confluence - there's nothing for it to do on Confluence!

Could you explain why you were looking for this?

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