Possible to change color scheme in Portfolio?

Nicole Neunhoeffer September 15, 2017

I understand it is possible to change the color scheme in JIRA (https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver073/configuring-the-look-and-feel-of-your-jira-applications-861253125.html) and was wondering if there is a chance to also change the look and feel of a portfolio plan.

Is there any (planned) functionality for configuring the color scheme of Portfolio? We were interested in displaying different colors for stories in the schedule view, for instance. Possibly in line with the color of their linked epic. If you have a lot of stories displayed in blue color, you do not get the same overview as if these were colored differently. (We do not want to make use of the "Stages" functionality, btw, I understand there is a coloring aspect here.)

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Thanks & Regards, Nicole

Colors of stories.png


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 18, 2017

Hi Nicole,

At this time it's not possible but there is a feature request you can find at JPOSERVER-341.  Please vote on the issue to add impact so we can get this feature added as soon as possible.  Once you vote on the issue you'll be notified directly with any updates such as the direction the development team will take with that feature request, fix version, etc.

Please feel free to add any comments/use cases in the comments section so our developers can get a good feel for how our products are being used.



Nicole Neunhoeffer September 18, 2017

Thanks for your response Branden, appreciate it.

Will vote on it.

Best regards,


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