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Portfolio fails after Jira upgrade to 8.2.1

Ivars M.
I'm New Here
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July 15, 2019

After upgrade of Jira to v8.2.1 all portfolio plans and Programs disappeared.  And it is not possible to recreate them manually. When plan created the error appears 

com.querydsl.core.QueryException: Caught JdbcSQLException for insert into "AO_D9132D_ISSUE_SOURCE" ("SOURCE_TYPE", "SOURCE_VALUE", "PLAN_ID") values (?, ?, ?)

Any solution for this?

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 17, 2019

Hi Ivars,

Thank you for the details and the error you are receiving indicates a failure to write to the database during the upgrade, so the application is going to be missing the data that was part of the operation for that insert.

On the surface this is seeming more like a Database compatibility/consistency issue or a database permission issue rather than a Portfolio specific error, but it was a Portfolio table that experienced the insert failure on the conflict.

Lets get some additional info on the full environment here to see if we can narrow it down, can you let me know the following:

  • What version did you Upgrade from
  • What Upgrade method was used
  • What DB version are you on
  • Can you include the full error stack incase it has any additional context to the error.

Then some steps I would recomend to troubleshoot this error would be to first verify the DB permissions and DB collation are set up correctly per your DB type as covered in "Connecting Jira applications to a database" also making sure that everything lines up with the "Supported platforms"  for compatible versioning.

Try uninstalling and re-installing Portfolio from the manage add-ons section of the UI and tail the log output for atlassian-jira.log and atlassian-greenhopper.log while re-installing to see if any additional errors are triggered in either location.

Then I would also suggest that you set up a clean install as a temporary staged instance on the 8.2.1 Jira with all matching add-ons installed including portfolio to migrate the data into using an XML migration from the source instance to see if we can bypass the error, or trigger additional errors that might help us narrow down the failure point.  If there is something wrong with the source data the migration should give additional context to the failure point but if it was a DB configuration issue then the data should come across without conflict as the new instance will have the appropriate configurations as a clean installation.

Take a look at "Migrating Jira applications to another server" for more info on the migration steps.


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