Portfolio 2.0 how to set portfolio start date?

Michael Barringer
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July 5, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Configuring plan settings

My scrum teams have been using Portfolio 1.0 this year, and I want to recreate the plan in Portfolio 2.0.  However, I cannot find a way to set the portfolio start date in the new version, which is preventing me from accurately representing my teams' timeline for the year.  I understand that I could choose to only represent the work remaining to align the new schedule with the calculated schedule in Portfolio 1.0, but is there a way for me to backdate the new portfolio start, so that I can import my entire plan for the year?

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Jade August 28, 2016

The "Earliest Start" field appears in under the "Scheduling" section of the detail view once you click on an issue—I assume this is what you are after?

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