Need help on using my project in JIRA Portfolio

Arnob Dutta
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October 10, 2018

I am very new to JIRA and need assistance in using Portfolio for my Project. I am very confused about the following scenarios:

  1. Can a task be dependent on its Epic? When I am doing this, it is saying I am violating the Dependency rule
  2. Should I create a plan with respect to Tasks only?
  3. When I am trying to achieve point number 2, I cannot create a subtask until I click on the master task and create subtasks for the same. With the Portfolio, it gets created as a bug. Is it still considered a Sub task? Please find the attached screenshot.
  4. If you refer the screenshot when you click on AT-44, it doesn't show the linked Bugs which I am assuming should be linked, isn't it? Am I doing something wrong here?
  5. I am allotting time required for completing each task by clicking on each task and entering the data but the same is not reflecting in my Portfolio dashboard.
  6. Added custom fields in my Portfolio tab. The details are reflecting but I cannot put any data into it.  For E.g: I cannot enter any data in the "Man hours" field
  7. How do I plan capacity planning? I have allotted team members for the same for each task. When I check the capacity report, there are no results as shown in the below screenshot. How do I know if a specific resource is overloaded or not

Any help would really be helpful.


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