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Missing filters when using as issue source in Advanced Roadmaps

Kristin Palmer July 4, 2022

Hi ðŸ‘‹

I am trying to create an Advanced Roadmap using a Filter as the issue source. We have thousands of filters defined in our Jira instance but the drop down in Advanced Roadmaps only lists maybe ~30 filters, in alphabetical order. 

When I type the name of the filter I want to use (its not in the first 30 displayed in the list), nothing can be selected.

Why cant I see all the Jira filters? Most of our filters are set with permissions for the whole organisation, so I don't suspect its a permissions issue.

Thanks :-) 

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Daniel Capizzi
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2022

Hi @Kristin Palmer,

Thanks for reaching out, and sorry you've had to wait a while for a response!

I would recommend first surrounding your search query with quotes to see if this helps.

When searching through your filters, we match on every search term in the query individually - so if your query is Test filter 123, we'll match every filter that contains "Test", "filter" or "123", not just on the filters that contain all three terms. If you surround your query in quotes, for example "Test filter 123" them you'll only get filters that contain that exact phrase. This can help a lot, especially on sites like yours with many filters to search through!

Let me know if this helps - if not I'd be happy to help troubleshoot further.



Max Richardson April 29, 2024

This is still really flakey - it always has been. I have an example of a filter; I copy the title from the filter page itself, then paste it into the Create Plan dialogue box - both in quotes, and without quotes, and get the response "No Options".

So. Game over. Impossible to set up a Roadmap based on this filter?

Why not provide the option to add a filter ID? This would be so much more efficient - we have many thousands of filters...

Max Richardson April 29, 2024

In this particular case I was able to find the filter by searching for a part of the syntax which was a particularly unusual set of letters, but it's not confidence inspiring to be dependent on perhaps including an unusual sequence of letters in my filter name. It's like the search box has developed antibiotic resistance and I'm down to the very last chance options.

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