Maximum assignees per story set to 1, but portfolio still suggests 2 ppl to work on the story

Deleted user November 30, 2017

Hi Community, 

I'm on newest portfolio version 2.9.0, and with Jira software server 7.4.3.

I've set "Maximum assignees per story" to 1, and set a story manually to a certain sprint (instead of "calculate").

Very strangely, after calculation, Portfolio still suggests me to assign two ppl on that topic (pls see pic below).

Could you explain me why and how should I really restrict it to one assignee per story?





_t.useScrumMethod_2017Nov - Portfolio for Jira - Jira 2017-11-30 17-38-54 zzScShot.png

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Atlassian Team
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December 1, 2017

Hi Tommy,

I did some research and haven't currently found a solution to this. There have been discussions on this in the past and it looks like a Suggestion was posted in that post that you can find at JPOSERVER-1741

In addition, I found another Suggestion at JPOSERVER-1502.  Please vote on both of these issues and add your use case to the comments to add impact to help get this feature implemented.



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