Looking to add the below table format in Jira

Rajagopalan Raman
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is it possible to create a similar view in jira for entering time tracking ( in selfie dashboard)



2 answers

1 vote
Gökçe Karaduman-The Starware
January 12, 2025

Hi @Rajagopalan Raman ,

If you're open to using third-party applications, I recommend WorklogPRO. You can crate timesheet table that provides hierarchical grouping feature that enhances how you view and analyze work logs.
You can save and access this table on the reports page, or add it to your dashboard using the Timesheet Report gadget to display worklogs for the relevant projects during the desired period.


Disclaimer:I work for the vendor who developed this application.

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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