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Jira Portfolio for Jira Software Cloud - getting started

Natalia Golikova May 3, 2020

Hi everyone,

We purchased Jira Portfolio for Jira Software Cloud version and I was disspointed that this version has limited features and none features from 3.0 version.

Also, configuring our first Plan in Portfolio I got a problem that not all the tasks and sub-tasks were loaded into the plan. I was not able to find the exact logic "why". If we don't have all the issues and I don't know the resason why some tasks and sub-tasks are not there I cannot trust this Plan in Jira Portfolio. 

Another problem is that some tasks got assignment from Jira and some don't. I created all team members for projects in Portfolio, but still some of them were not sinchronized with Jira. Again, I cannot trust the Plan and submit the changes back to Jira because it may break the existing data in Jira tickets.

I would appreciate any help. Please share your experience if someone faced the same issues.

2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 22, 2020

Hi Natalia,

My name is Amy, Advanced Roadmaps product designer. I’m following up on your feedback about missing issues from the Plan. Are you open for a quick chat? I would be interested to learn about the problem you experienced, and also share a prototype solution that might help future occurrences of this problem. If you’re interested to chat, please use this link to book in a 45 minute time slot. For your time we would like to offer you a $100 E-gift card.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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Walter Buggenhout
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May 4, 2020

Hi @Natalia Golikova,

Quite a few questions there :-) - let me try to get you going in the right direction.

Development on Portfolio for Jira Cloud has been standing still for a while, but just recently Atlassian announced that it will become integrated as a standard part of Jira Cloud Premium in the next couple of months. It will have the features of Jira Portfolio 3.0. I'm not sure if it is still possible to sign up, but there's a private beta of currently in progress. For more information, check out

There may be multiple reasons why tasks are not visible in your plan. If they are assigned to a release in Jira that is not imported into your plan, that may be a reason. If they are already completed, that may be a reason. They may be in your plan but not be visible because there is default filtering on e.g. status hiding them. If - after checking those - you're still unsure you can reach out to the team through the in-product feedback option:

Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 12.15.56.png

Regarding the assignee, there's two configuration options you can use in your plan to take some level of control. Under scheduling you can specify at what level of your issue hierarchy assignees will be imported into Portfolio for Jira:

Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 12.20.29.png

And under commit of changes you can determine if you want to send assignee changes in Portfolio for Jira back to Jira or not:

Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 12.19.56.png

Hope this helps!

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