JQL to get Estimate (d) value from Portfolio to report on Portfolio estimates in a spreadsheet

Gabriel Underwood
August 12, 2019

I'm trying to write JQL to get the "Estimate (d)" value for an item as calculated by Portfolio.   I want to be able to given an issue ID,  write JQL to get the "Estimate (d)" value.   

It is not clear if "Estimate (d)" from Portfoli is available as a field that can be queried on. 

I would like to then be able to use that JQL in Jira Cloud for Sheets to display the value of this field as a column returned from JQL,    e.g,  to use the JIRA function JIRA("key=TKT-1","Estimate (D)")


Is there any way to get this estimate value to be referenced by the JIRA Cloud For Sheets Add-On and reported on in a spreadsheet?

3 answers

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Steven Lloyd
October 11, 2021


Was there ever any clarification on the above topic? I am currently looking to see if it is possible to get a sum of all child issues estimates to total to the parent issue but I am unable to find which field Estimate (d) actually maps to or where it even lives outside of the plans/portfolio

0 votes
Gabriel Underwood
August 21, 2019

@Earl McCutcheon This doesn't seem to work.

Even after committing the plan,  the "Remaining Estimate" field value on a Theme or Initiative issue is still not set. 

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 15, 2019

Hi Gabriel,

The estimates on the Portfolio plan are not portfolio specific, Estimate assigned to the issue. Depending on your estimation unit, you'll see one or the other of the following:

  • Story Points
  • Estimates (h)
  • Estimates (d) 

When using "Estimates (d)" this is going to be tied to the "Remaining Estimate" field of a jira issue (remainingEstimate for use in JQL), and the "Original Estimates (d)" value is based on the "Original Time Estimate" field in jira (originalEstimate for use in JQL).  The "Remaining Estimate" field is a calculation of "Original Time Estimate" - "logged work" down to zero.


Gabriel Underwood
August 21, 2019

@Earl McCutcheon This doesn't seem to work.

Even after committing the plan,  the "Remaining Estimate" field value on a Theme or Initiative issue is still not set. 

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