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JQL for subtasks in a specific status

ray April 4, 2023

I'm in search of a possibility to filter out issues with a subtask. Those subtasks should by in status analysed. 

I was thinking about: issueFunction in hasSubtasks() AND status = analysed

But when I use that JQL, it will look for Story issues in analysed with subtasks. But I need Story issues with subtasks which are in analysed.

Is it possible to achieve that?

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Tansu Akdeniz
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April 4, 2023

Hi @ray 

It should return Stories with sub-tasks in Analysed statuses.

  • type = Story and issueFunction in parentsOf("status = Analysed")

Also take a look at JQL Functions page.

ray April 4, 2023

thanks! That did the trick, I need to test it further but it's looking good

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ray May 8, 2023

Hi all,

now I'm looking for a reversed filter: 

My subtasks are in analysed and the parents of the subtasks are f.e. in 'on hold'. 

I could use this JQL:  

  • type = Story AND status = "on hold" and issueFunction in parentsOf("status = Analysed")

But I'm trying to use it in structure formula's to be applied to sub-tasks. So when I try the above JQL, It would return nothing since it refers to a story and my formula needs to be applied to a sub-task.

I think it could be solved if I have an reversed version of issueFunction in parentsOf(): that one starts from a story and looks for its subtask in a specific status but I'm looking for a function that starts from the subtask and is looking for its parent in a specific status...

It's very difficult to explain, so I hope someone understands my problem and help me :) 

ray May 8, 2023

doh, I think I just found it myself: issueFunction in subtasksOf("status = 'on hold'")

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