JIRA error: An unknown error occurred while trying to perform a search

QIB Application May 1, 2019

Getting Below error in catalina.out however till yesterday  JIRA properly working with en_US.UTF-8. 


Upon login to JIRA and selecting project, no issues related to the project getting displayed in JIRA



2019-05-01 08:48:05,585 JIRA-Bootstrap WARN      [c.a.jira.health.HealthChecks] Your database is using an unsupported collation

2019-05-01 08:48:05,585 JIRA-Bootstrap WARN      [c.a.jira.health.HealthChecks] Your postgres72 database is currently using an unsupported collation: en_US.UTF-8. You should change this to a supported collation:    - POSIX.UTF-8

        - C.UTF-8

        - C

        - POSIX

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 2, 2019


The error you noted "An unknown error occurred while trying to perform a search" could be caused by a varying number of sources, and there is a possibility that this could be related to the database collation warning you are receiving but might be something else entirely.  The collation may be contributing to issue. 

However in combination with the issues not displaying at all it sounds like there is more than likely an indexing issue is occuring, or a lesser chance of an issue with project permissions, particularly browse project permission is missing.

I would first recommend double checking the project permissions on the project just to make sure that you do have the "browse project" permission for the project, its more than likely not this causing the issue but its a quick check to rule this out.

Then I would suggest triggering a full lock and re-index on the application that should clear out any indexing issues unless there is index corruption so also make sure to watch the logging to see if you trigger any errors related to index corruption described HERE that would require a manual flush as described in the KB.

As for the collation warnings on the database check out the KB "How to fix the collation of a Postgres JIRA database" for the steps to take to correct the mismatch.


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