JIRA Portfolio: does issue time progress affect total planned time for a team member?

Владимир Давыдов October 20, 2015


We have issues in Sprint1 in Portfolio http://prntscr.com/8thcvy

Part of them is only partly done http://prntscr.com/8thd7v

When Sprint1 will be finished, all issues that were not completed will be moved to Sprint2 (and some issues from Sprint2 will be pushed out by them to Sprint3 and so on) http://prntscr.com/8thegt

The question is: if the issue have 10 hours estimation and completed 90% in Sprint1 (9 hours is tracked as done) after moving to the next Spint2 (in our case) how much time will it "book" for a given team member (10 hours or 1 hour)?

@Martin Suntinger @Shafqat Bhuiyan Could you please help me to understand. Thank you!

2 answers

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Martin Suntinger
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 24, 2015

Hi Vladimir, 

The remaining effort which will be scheduled is always exactly the estimate visible in the backlog table. For example, if an issue had 10 hours estimate and shows 90% complete, in that moment the scheduling algorithm will still take 10 hours as the estimate to be scheduled. 

The key here is that when running a plan update (Plan > Update from Date), the remaining estimates in the backlog table are adjusted, based on the progress. Thus, if you run the plan update after the first sprint, in the update dialog you should see a suggestion that reduces the 10 hours to 1 hour based on 90% progress, and then the remaining 1 hour is scheduled, from this date onwards. the plan update also adjusts the new start date of the plan, typically you'd choose the start date of the next sprint when you run the plan update. 

Hope this helps! Best, Martin

0 votes
Владимир Давыдов October 25, 2015

@Martin Suntinger thanks a lot. We'll experiment with it!

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