JIRA Portfolio - Initiative Issue Status not displaying

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July 23, 2015

Hey -

I'm working with JIRA portfolio and within the backlog view there is the "Issue Status" column which displays for some issues and not others. 

image2015-7-23 8:45:46.png


We are creating Initiatives in JIRA agile and then linking them to portfolio. I really need to display the status so i can present a view to the my management team.

Do the issues need to be created in JIRA Portfolio for the Issue Status  to be displayed there?

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Martin Suntinger
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 23, 2015

Hey Eric, As long as the initiative is linked to an actual JIRA issue (of any issue type, so you can create a custom issue type called Initiative, or link it to issues of any other type), the status should show up. Does the Issue link column column show an issue key for the initiative in Portfolio? If no, it would indicate there is no link to a JIRA issue established. If yes, I'd recommend to open a support case to investigate further.

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