JIRA Portfolio - Grouping by skills

alex Scheurkogel
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September 19, 2018

In JIRA Porfolio, in the Scope and Reports screens, one can changing the grouping from "None" to "Team" or "Person".


Is there anyway one can extend this to include "skills" or "stages"?


The idea is to be able to drive a conversation around e.g "Front End" capacity, before actually looking at which people are free. 


I want to be able to talk around what I need done before I commit people, instead of talking around who I have available to determine what work I can do.

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Atlassian Team
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October 18, 2018

Hi Alex,

To show Skills and Stages on scope view, you will need to expand the Estimates. You will need to click on the + sign beside the Estimates column:


Best Regards,

alex Scheurkogel
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 19, 2018

I'm specifically looking for this view under "schedule" and "capacity" style reporting.

Technically if these filters can be controlled via APIs I would be fine writing code to do it too.

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