Issue wise Allocation for an individual

Golda Nancy Y May 2, 2024

In a Software Project, how to allocate tickets for individuals.

Need to Show the hours estimated for Each tickets and for Each individuals.

How many hours an individual work for a ticket and overall tickets handled by an individual. and the estimated hours for a day based on the tickets which they allotted.

Is there any feature where I can Allot a ticket for multiple persons and need a report to show the Hours worked by both the individuals separately.


@John Funk  Kindly advise


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Clark Everson
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May 31, 2024

Hi @Golda Nancy Y 

Time tracking per ticket is strictly for one number In general this is how agile works as agile is more about team metrics than individual metrics, and Jira at it's core is an agile work tool

If it is really needed to track individual hours (I generally would only recommend this if the law requires it or its for a consultant company), then I would recommend subtasks

Otherwise I would recommend more in depth discussions about why this is needed? What are you trying to get from it?

Indivdual tracking can have a lot of negative connotations on a business and individuals, so it's a very tricky area to navigate




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