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Is there a way to remove weekends from being counted in a sprint?

Katerina Zacharakis
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April 3, 2020

When assigning someone 10 days for a task, the plan in portfolio counts the weekend as working days, so if they start on the 1st they will finish on the 10th. Is there any way to remove weekends from the picture so that it will only count the working days and inside go from the 1st to the 12th?

2 answers

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Heath Holcomb October 13, 2023

What "plan"? Where?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 4, 2020

Hi Katerina,

Welcome to the community. You can configure the working days by:

  1. Selecting your plan and ... located next to your plan name
  2. Click Configure > Working hours and days.
  3. Define the length of a working day.
  4. Define how many working days your plan will have in a week.

The documentation is here:

It's also worth looking at the working days configured for your individual boards so the teams can see what's happening too. Read more here

Jari Kinnari
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 21, 2021


I have a same problem. But I didn't find that kind of option under the configure to change working days. And board calendar setting were not affected to plan schedule

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