Is plan recalculated when adding filters, and if so, can that be disabled?

Deleted user June 26, 2017

Whenever I apply or remove a filter, commit or revert changes, and a few other things the Portfolio plan always refreshes.  This takes 30+ seconds to complete.  I honestly don't need the plan to refresh everytime, only when I click the Calculate button.  So I have two questions:

  1. Is the plan doing a complete recalculation every time a fitler is changed?
  2. If the answer is yes to #1, can that be disabled so I don't have to wait 30 seconds for a filter to apply?

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Daniel Ireland July 13, 2017

I believe you are correct. In classic plans i recall you were able to toggle this feature on/off - perhaps this is one of the features yet to make it to Porfolio Live Plans

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