Inherited Fix Version when Story is linked to Epic, and Epic is linked to Version?

February 15, 2018

I use stories  --> Epics ---> Version.

So a story that is tagged with an epic that is linked to a version should inherit the version at the story level. Shouldn't this be the norm? It appears that I have to tag each individual story with the Fix Version even though I have already set the relationship. Why does this not inherit properly?

4 answers

4 votes
October 10, 2019

I don’t appreciate the knuckle-dragger comment. Inheritance should work this way as an option. It is not about savvy PO’s, it is about they many different kinds of projects people who use JIRA run. Not all are software development projects. The config should be agile enough to work for all project types. 

Tim Owen October 10, 2019

I was agreeing with you. I didn't like Jeff Curry's reference to savvy PO's not doing it this way as I also want to do it this way.

Knuckle dragger in question is myself


2 votes
Jeff Curry
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 16, 2018

From :

Versions are often developed over a set of sprints, much like epics. Savvy product owners may choose to deliver an epic over several versions. An epic does not have to be fully contained within a version. By delivering an epic over several versions, the product owner can learn how the market is responding to that epic and make calculated decisions about its future direction rather than doing one giant release.

Jim Torbit
I'm New Here
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August 23, 2019

Bernard and I must not be savvy - as I admit to desiring this same sort of inheritance. It'd be nice (and more flexible in a broad way) to be able to define the contents of a version using a JQL filter.

That way, if knuckleheads like me wanted to line up a version based on Epic Link(s), we could - not to mention all the other sorts of sophisticated filter types you could build to automatically keep your version contents current.

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Tim Owen October 10, 2019

same requirement

0 votes
Steffen Rietzschel August 26, 2019

I have the same requirement.

Any solution out there?

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