Include stories with 'Done' status in Roadmap

Kyle Kwoka
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July 14, 2020

I have created a Plan for my company, it has several Epics under one Initiative. There are several Stories under each Epic, I noticed that when a Story is closed out and set to status 'Accepted' Status with resolution code of Done, the item drops off the Roadmap view and you lose the Original Hours Estimated, and the overall Initiative hours count drops to the remaining left.

Is there a way to make it include completed work items as well as ones still in progress so that the Original Estimated Hours never changes?

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Kyle Kwoka
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 14, 2020

Ok I figured this out myself shortly after opening this, but I'll put it here in case anyone else has same issue.

You have to click 'More' with the drop down, and Select, "Open and Completed Issues" AND Choose a date back to when the Project started, in my case it was May 16th 2020.



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