In Portfolio does Plan Editor Permissions override Admin Permissions?

Brendan Byers December 5, 2017

In Portfolio I have Admin permissions however I notice that for several plans if the Plan permissions are not setup to include me, my access is restricted to Read-only?
There appears to be no way to access the administration for these plans without expressly having been granted it by the plan creator which can become difficult if they are unavailable to do so.

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Atlassian Team
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December 5, 2017

Hi Brendan,

When you say "admin" permissions are you referring to the admin permissions from JIRA itself?  If so the answer is yes:

The permissions in Portfolio for Jira take precedence over the permissions in your Jira application. This means that even if you're a project administrator in your Jira application, you'll still need specific permissions in to perform specific actions with the plans in Portfolio for Jira.

You can read more about the permissions in the Permissions in Portfolio for Jira knowledge base article.



Brendan Byers December 5, 2017

I have admin privileges configured in both Jira and Portfolio but it seems I can still be locked out of individual Plans if not granted specific editor permissions for that specific plan.

In this particular instance the user who created the plan is away and we either need to wait for them to return or gain access to their specific account to update the permissions.

This seems odd to me but if its how it works currently I suppose we can look into the above workaround.


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