How to show a progress in Portfolio schedule view

Anatoly Goldstein
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October 11, 2017


I'm playing around with Portfolio for Jira for a couple of days and I have a question about showing/tracking progress of epics/stories/sub-tasks.

I can see a progress of tasks in Progress column of Scope view where progress bar is displayed, but I can't see it in Schedule view.

I'd like to see a progress of high level epics and stories relative to current date.

Is there a way to do it?


1 answer

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Kevin Hamm October 11, 2017

Have you looked under reports? Take a look at the scope report for a roll up of progress on each issue type.

Anatoly Goldstein
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October 12, 2017

Thanks for a quick reply Kevin.

Yes, I have looked.

But scope report gives the same info as schedule view. From progress bars of each issue it's hard to see whether a project is ahead or behind a schedule.

What I'm looking for is a chart with progress bar and a vertical line of current date. Schedule view has a vertical dashed line of current date but has no progress bars and scope report has progress bars but no current date reference.

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