How to rollback changes in Portfolio after reconfiguration

Dmitry Karasev January 21, 2018

I was reconfiguring Portfolio, but when all versions were selected I clicked remove selection for all and added only few that I needed to add. But "Remove selected" actually removed ALL selected even the old ones that were already there. 

In this case Portfolio doesn't require the Committing of changes, so is there a way to restore data that was before?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 21, 2018

Hi @Dmitry Karasev,


I'm assuming here that this happened during a Portfolio Plan creation, in which case once the plan is created you can go in the plan configuration and edit the issue source. This will let you go through the creation steps again so that you can include everything you need (Documentation).


Hope that helps!




Dmitry Karasev January 22, 2018

No it happened when I reconfigured Portfolio plan to add new Epics. Thats why when I clicked remove selected - all versions were removed even those that were selected before. Yes it's probably expected, but problem is - reconfiguration does not require to Commit changes, so when I realized that I removed some versions, it was too late

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 22, 2018

Going through the issue source configuration does not require to commit changes indeed because it does not change any data in Jira. Everything done during that process should be reversible by simply going through the configuration again.

On a related note, deleting releases that were created in Portfolio but not committed (e.g. Release never existed in Jira) does not create an uncommitted changes.

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